Après avoir eu quelques expériences dans la mise en place de notre dispositif pédagogique au sein de la Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux, nous avons voulu les confronter à nos réflexions de recherche en communication.
C'est dans le congrès International de 2009 sur les Droits Humains et la Communication de l’IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research), que nous avons présenté cette proposition.
L'article, rédigé en anglais, nous a permis d'approfondir quelques aspects théoriques de notre démarche, mais surtout, ouvrir des nouvelles problématiques liés à nos démarches pédagogiques.
Vous pouvez lire le résumé ci-dessous et consulter l'article en entier sur : http://www.iamcr2009mexico.unam.mx/pdf/PR00.pdf
L’œil Critique : an example of Partipatory Education for Media
The objective of this communication is to present the evolution of our project called "L"oeil Critique" (critical eye) wich is a workshop of participatory education for media. The project has now been underway fo three years in the context of middle schools in France. We will first disccus the methodological basis of the workshop. This project fits into the sheme of participatory education and action research that we wil define. The basic principle of our methodology is to place a community of young people at the heart of audivisul creation. We will then explain the objectives of the workshop, wich are centered on two questions : 1) how to help young people develop a critical reaction to media? and 2) how to initiate them in the constratuction of discourse through image edition?
Furthermore, we will tackle the strains
and limits of these experiences and how they shaped the evolution of the
project. We will first explain the reasons why the research action took a place
more and more important in our method. In addition to the aim of educating the
media and to transmit knowledge about this professional environment, we are
interested in the citizen’s media education, so as make possible a change in
the way young people consider media. As PhD candidates in the sciences of
information and communication, we decided to transform this field work into a
research experience. Indeed, this workshop fits into the scheme of the
empirical-inductive process: the hypothesis that a project’s potential for
social change comes from practice.Finally, we will discuss why making young
people aware of the question of intercultural communication is essential. In
particular, we are interested in the helping young people of multicultural
backgrounds explore the role of interculturality within and as portrait by
images. This point is important to us, as we come from two different cultures
(Bolivian and French), and this has influenced the way in which we built the
workshop. The evolution of the project has led to the emergence of a further
objective. Therefore, we aim to develop a method that could be adaptable to
several cultural contexts.